Westfield Food Court, Downtown San Francisco. Photo: Lynne Azpeitia
The secret to success is to pay attention to what life is showing you, and follow your bliss. Make money, do good, and have fun!
Chellie Campbell
Are You Interested In Having A Thriving, Successful Private Practice & Career?
Great Resources for Creating, Maintaining & Enjoying a Thriving Practice & Career as a Mental Health Professional
Being negative is easy. There will always be a downside to everything good, a hurdle to everything desirable, a con to every pro.
The real courage is in finding the good in what you have, the opportunities in every hurdle, the pros in every con. Carolyn Hax
This page is full of great resources for creating, maintaining, and enjoying a thriving, successful career and private practice. It's designed for mental health professionals--MFTs, LCSWs, Psychologists, and LPCCs. Books, websites, articles and other resources are posted here for your benefit.
Check back often to get the updates to this page.
Whether your career and practice has psychotherapy, coaching, consulting, supervision, speaking, training or workshops, you will find resources to make you, your career and or practice, your life, and your work richer and easier.
“You’ll notice that the book links aren’t working. I am sorry about that. Amazon closed all the book stores and I haven’t had an opportunity to add all the books back on to the site. My apologies.
Interested in starting a private psychotherapy practice or making yours better and more profitable? Check out the book selections here . There are many how to books with practical advice and a variety of approaches. You won't be disappointed. Click here for books on private practice.
Many therapists are interested in adding some types of coaching to their practice. If this describes you then you may find these selections to be a rich repository of how to coach as well as how to promote your services. Click here for books on coaching.
Money, money, money. If money is on your mind then these books offer a great menu for you to choose from to upgrade your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes toward money. Click here for books on money.
Increase your success and make your practice more profitable and easier to run by reading some of the many books available here. Click here for books on business.
A rich selection of personable and practical books to help you let people know about you, your services, and the clients you treat. Click here for books on networking.
Many marketing masters have written some very good books. You will find a great selection of them here. Click here for books on marketing.
Chellie Campbell
Listen to and watch Chellie Campbell talk about money and business on this page of her website. Chellie has great advice that is presented in a practical and entertaining way. Take a look at her famous Financial Stress Reduction Workshop Teleclass. Check her out for inspiration as well as ideas. Click here for her website.
Lynn Grodzki
Great resources for the therapist and coach are on Lynn Grodski's site. She has written many great books for therapists and coaches. Click here for her site
Dan Kennedy
A marketing guru, the prolific and pithy writer and speaker is a fountain of information and great ideas. Be warned, people either love or hate his frank and folksy talk and great advice. See what you think. Click here for his site.
Lynne Azpeitia, MFT
3025 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Coaching, Psychotherapy, Consultation & Supervision for Licensed MFTs, Registered Interns, Trainees & Students
For Books For & About Gifted Adults for Gifted Adults & Helping Professionals, Click Here.
Lynne Azpeitia
Licensed MFT
AAMFT Approved Supervisor
Gifted Adult
Therapist & Coach
Harnessing the Winds of Change: It's the perfect time to reinvent your private practice.
Lynn Grodzki
As I talk to fellow psychotherapists, I try to warn them that those of us in private practice are in for some big economic changes. By watching how health care dollars are spent and interpreting current surveys about psychotherapists' earnings, I see disturbing financial markers. But I also see creative strategies by which therapists are already improving their practices—strategies that make me believe that we in private practice can ride out the downturns and develop business models that help us survive and thrive. More....
Chellie Campbell
One member of our group, Lynne Azpeitia, is a psychotherapist and coach who specializes in working with gifted and creative adults www.gifted-adults.com. When she gives her feedback, we all listen intently because she’ll point out to us certain behaviors we are exhibiting that are typical of gifted people.
For example, last night, someone asked how you would go about finding a good networking group when there are so many. I responded, “Google ‘networking in Los Angeles’, see what shows up that looks interesting, and go to the meeting. While you’re there, watch how people behave, how you feel in the room and see if it’s a fit. Then look for the warmest, friendliest, happy, successful looking dolphin-type person at the meeting and ask them where else they network. Then go to those meetings.” More...
How to Connect Better With Difficult Clients to Help Them Understand & Appreciate Your Therapy Services
Lynn Grodski
Therapists are telling me that they are seeing a new, concerning trend: a client asks for therapy, but proves difficult to engage. Many of these clients find the therapist via the Internet, are new to therapy, and have unrealistic expectations...More