Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. Lauren Bacall
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it, it will never exist through any other medium. It will be lost. The world will not have it. It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it compares with other expressions.”
“Don’t wait for inspiration to strike. Ignite your own creative fire.”
“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”
Give Lynne a call & have a conversation with her about her Gifted Adult Services
Creative Energy
Generating, Using & Tuning Your Creative Energy
There must be freedom to pursue what one is in love with, to play one's own game, to use one's greatest strengths, not to feel that he/she has to be well rounded, and a chance to learn the skills of independence.
Paul Torrance
Why are the thoughts and words of other creative people so necessary to those who create?
Why do we find quotes and quotations so supportive and inspiring?
The answer can only be that creative spirits know what it is like to be original and creative because they are intimately acquainted with the creative process and how creativity is usually received by the general population as well as by the peers in one’s chosen field.
Kindred creative spirits know the drill. They can say. “You go, girl”, like no other. They’ve been there and back again, more than once.
Behind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity.
Author Unknown
Here are some words, some quotes and some articles about creating and using your creativity, that I’ve found useful and inspiring as I, and the clients who work with me, go about daily life creating, innovating and originating.
These words, these creativity quotations, have found themselves in pockets, taped to the wall, on post-it notes everywhere and on the quotation cards I make for and give to my clients and workshop attendees.
Where will the words you chose be placed?
How will you use them?
Which ones will you remember and treasure?
Some of the words on this page are inspiration, some are challenge, others, advice and still more are beliefs or a code of living.
At any rate, the words, and the people who said them, are your very own personal inspiration group. Visit them often.
Each time you are here the words you’ve read once before may have a new meaning, provide you with a new idea or be a sense of inspiration or support for you.
Lynne Azpeitia, MFT
3025 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultation
Contact Lynne About Services for Gifted Adults
Coaching, Counseling & Consulting Services Also Available by Phone & Skype
Interested in reading more? Click here for books about Creativity and Gifted Adults
Lynne Azpeitia
The Gifted Adult Coach
“Another trait that seems to connect the vast majority of successful creative people is high energy. It’s rare to find a lethargic creative genius. I’ve yet to meet one. This may explain some of the extraordinary productivity that so often accompanies creative genius.”
The object, isn't to make art, it's to be in that wonderful state which makes art inevitable. Robert Henri
To schedule an appointment or arrange a free phone consultation email Lynne or call her at 310-828-7121
“It’s hard for corporations to understand that creativity is not just about succeeding. It’s about experimenting and discovering.”
Flow: The Secret to Happiness
Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi asks, "What makes a life worth living?" Noting that money cannot make us happy, he looks to those who find pleasure and lasting satisfaction in activities that bring about a state of "flow."
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has contributed pioneering work to our understanding of happiness, creativity, human fulfillment and the notion of "flow" -- a state of heightened focus and immersion in activities such as art, play and work.
60 Seconds with Twyla Tharp Fast Company
Creativity starts with a blank space: an unwritten novel, an uninvented product, a blinking cursor on a computer screen. For Twyla Tharp, it's an empty dance studio. "The blank space can be humbling, but I've faced it my whole professional life. It's my job. It's also my calling...More
How to Work with Designers
Julie Zhuo
Once, a long time ago, I was a product manager. Then, I was an engineer. For the past seven years, I’ve been in design. Every single day, I work with people in all of these roles. Every single day, I find new ways to appreciate the responsibilities, challenges, and art behind each of these three pillars of product development.
How the Hum of a Coffee Shop Can Boost Creativity
Pulling up a seat at your favorite coffee shop may be the most efficient way to write a paper or finish a work project. But now a new Web site lets you bring the coffee shop to your cubicle. The site, called Coffitivity, was inspired by recent research showing that the whoosh of espresso machines and caffeinated chatter typical of most coffee shops creates just the right level of background noise to stimulate creativity. The Web site, which is free, plays an ambient coffee shop soundtrack that, according to researchers, helps people concentrate.
In a series of experiments that looked at the effects of noise on creative thinking, researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign had participants brainstorm ideas for new products while they were exposed to varying levels of background noise. Their results, published in The Journal of Consumer Research, found that a level of ambient noise typical of a bustling coffee shop or a television playing in a living room, about 70 decibels, enhanced performance compared with the relative quiet of 50 decibels. ...More