Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.
Mary Anne Roadacher-Hershey
“To man, time is given like a piece of land, as it were, entrusted to him for faithful tilling; a space in which to strive incessantly, achieve self-realization, move onward and upward.”
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Mark Twain
Photo: Lynne Azpeitia
“Turning it over in your mind won’t plow the field.”
Action is the foundational key to all success. Picasso
Call Lynne to talk with her and see if Gifted Adult Coaching or Therapy is for you
For Gifted Adults
Helping Professionals
“Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.”
Coaching or Therapy?
Find out how you can create a learning and support system that is dedicated to your success, confidence, well being and happiness.
Coaching and psychotherapy can help Gifted and Creative Adults live better, feel more powerful and be more effective at home and at work.
Because Gifted, Talented and Creative Adults experience a variety of ongoing personal, relationship and career challenges, problems and difficulties--including depression and anxiety--when their daily life doesn’t include enough opportunities to use their multiple gifts, talents and abilities, Gifted Adult coaching and psychotherapy can help.
Develop Your Potential
If you want to increase your personal satisfaction, rid yourself or anxiety or depression, develop your potential, live a more authentic life and have better relationships, explore what coaching and psychotherapy can do for you as a gifted adult.
The experience of being supported, understood and helped by a therapist (or coach) facilitates a gifted person’s acceptance of self and his or her talents and abilities, which, in turn, frees the gifted adult to focus on utilizing his or her talents and abilities in new and different ways. This leads to more happiness, success and satisfaction.
Specialized Gifted Adult Coaching Can Help You To
Understand who you are, where you want to go, and how to get there
Take an inventory of your personal resources
Discover your unique advantage & how to use it
Find out how to apply your knowledge
Develop concrete solutions
Optimize your performance
Grasp new opportunities and make new choices
Have better work relationships
Accelerate your advancement
Develop the skills you need to succeed
Know where you are going and what you need to do
Be confident about what to do next
Within each of us lie unique and special strengths, opportunities and abilities waiting to be discovered and utilized.
Who's Helping You?
If you're a gifted adult who is struggling in your marriage, relationship, with family members or at work, are making a transition, recovering from an addiction or are experiencing anxiety, depression or grief, psychotherapy with a gifted and creative adult therapist may be a very useful solution for you.
Coaching & psychotherapy are tools gifted adults can use to live a more centered, soulful, satisfied life.
If you want to learn about adult giftedness and it’s effects, find solutions to challenges you face as a gifted adult, put your gifts and talents to work to pay your bills, increase your business, develop more confidence, maximize your creativity or deal with procrastination, try gifted adult coaching--in person or by phone.
We have a hunger of the mind which asks for knowledge of all around us, and the more we gain, the more is our desire; the more we see, the more we are capable of seeing. Maria Mitchell
Reduce your stress and suffering, develop your potential, complete your projects and increase your skills, self-awareness, and effectiveness at home, at work and in relationships with either gifted adult coaching or psychotherapy.
You Want to Talk to Someone....But How Do You Find the Right Person?
To work effectively with gifted adults, a coach or psychotherapist must understand gifted adults and have the specialized knowledge, training and skills to work effectively.
If a therapist is not a multi-talented, gifted and creative adult and does not have accurate information about gifted adults--their psychology, development and struggles--gifted, talented and creative adults will find themselves misunderstood, mislabeled and misdiagnosed.
Change and growth take place when a person has risked himself and dares to become involved with experimenting with his or her own life. Herbert Otto
For more than ten years I’ve helped hundreds of gifted, talented and creative adults understand themselves, their needs, their gifts—and to live life more fully on their own terms.
Gifted Adult Coaching can help you to understand how to live a life without stress, strain or struggle
It’s my belief that successful coaching and psychotherapy for gifted adults must include these two key elements:
the identification of the Gifted Adult’s own differences in perceiving, experiencing and moving through the world
how to optimize a suitable personal, social and work environment that nurtures the person as well as his or her own unique talents and abilities
While peers, teachers, mentors, and significant others may admire the many contributions gifted people make, they may also have inappropriate and overly inflated expectations for gifted adults and can fail to provide key instruction, support, and encouragement.
By exploring coaching or psychotherapy that is tailored to gifted adults you can find personalized solutions for living, loving, working and creating that suit you, your significant other, family members, kinship network, business, team or group.
The only real risk is the risk of thinking too small. Frances Moore Lappe
Both coaching and psychotherapy can help you develop yourself and create a learning and support system that is dedicated to your success, confidence, well being and happiness.
It's up to you to decide which one is the best fit for you, your goals and your current circumstances.
I hope this information has been helpful to you. If you would like to explore the possibility that Gifted Adult Coaching or Psychotherapy may be of benefit to you, email or call Lynne Azpeitia at (310) 828-7121 to arrange a free 30-minute phone consultation.
To get a sense of the Lynne Azpeitia's Gifted & Creative Adult Coaching, take a look at her article Successful Coaching and Psychotherapy with Multi-Talented Gifted and Creative Adults
Lynne Azpeitia, MFT
3025 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultation
Contact Lynne About Services for Gifted Adults
Coaching, Counseling & Consulting Services Also Available by Phone & Skype
Interested in reading more? Click here for books for Gifted Adults
Lynne Azpeitia
The Gifted Adult Therapist & Coach
“The experience of being supported, understood and helped by a therapist (or coach) facilitates a gifted person’s acceptance of self and his or her talents and abilities, which, in turn, frees the gifted adult to focus on utilizing his or her talents and abilities in new and different ways. This leads to more happiness, success and satisfaction.”
“The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.”
Clarity is the capacity to help others see their situations in fresh and more revealing ways and to identify problems they didn't realize they had.
Dan Pink
To schedule an appointment or arrange a free phone consultation email Lynne or call her at 310-828-7121
“Gifted people commonly have such wide-ranging interests and abilities that it may be hard for them to choose from among such a wide array of options. We call this multi-potentiality. ”
To start your Gifted Adult Coaching sessions or to arrange a free phone consultation, email Lynne or call her at 310-828-7121
I'd Like to Thank My Coach
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Whenever Bryce Dallas Howard teased her dad, the actor and director Ron Howard, about how much actors are paid, he'd say, "It's so that they can afford their therapist." But decades after her father made it in Hollywood, Ms. Howard is making her own way in acting, and she's therapist-free. She sees a life coach instead. More...
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Do you know someone who needs hours alone every day? Who loves quiet conversations about feelings or ideas, and can give a dynamite presentation to a big audience, but seems awkward in groups and maladroit at small talk? Who has to be dragged to parties and then needs the rest of the day to recuperate? Who growls or scowls or grunts or winces when accosted with pleasantries by people who are just trying to be nice? If so, do you tell this person he is "too serious," or ask if he is okay? Regard him as aloof, arrogant, rude? Redouble your efforts to draw him out? If you answered yes to these questions, chances are that you have an introvert on your hands.....More
Theory of Positive Disintegration as a Model of Personality Development For Exceptional Individuals
Elizabeth Mika
We need universal theories of development, but these theories must be able to incorporate special populations, whether these are special because of pathology, giftedness, or both.” (Winner, 1996, p. 313)
Kazimierz Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) shows a great promise as such a universal theory of development proposed above (Dabrowski, 1970). TPD is the first theory in psychology that postulates levels of personality development and methods of measuring them; it also describes and explains mechanisms of emotional development. The theory, formulated almost a half a century ago, focuses on positive aspects of mental health and the essential role of positive values in guiding human development, and as such it can be considered a precursor of positive psychology. More....