“When a gifted person’s inner drive toward self-actualization is blocked — by low self esteem, unresolved dependency needs, shame, depression, internalization of abuse, or fear — their very sense of aliveness is thwarted. The best psychological recovery and growth for gifted individuals is that which is provided by exceptionally talented facilitators and by those who understand what it is to be gifted.”
Give Lynne a call and have a conversation with her to see how counseling can help.
“Gifted people are complex, as well as versatile, and they also possess heightened sensitivity and intensity. As a result of their uniqueness, they commonly experience feelings of difference but often lack an accurate understanding of how they are different.”
Do you feel restless or unsatisfied in certain areas of your life?
Gifted Adult Therapy Can Help You Live A More Productive & Fulfilling Life
Get unstuck and learn to deal with the things that are keeping you from living your life fully as a gifted adult.
Find answers and creative solutions to the challenges you are facing in your personal life, your relationships, your projects, and your career.
Develop your potential, increase your satisfaction and self-esteem by talking to a knowledgeable and compassionate, gifted adult therapist who practices positive psychology and knows how to relate to and work with gifted adults.
Are you feeling stressed? Angry? Depressed? Frustrated? Hurt? Upset? Misunderstood? Unappreciated?
Gifted Adult Therapy can help you to understand how to live a life without stress, strain, and struggle.
Gifted Adult Counseling will help you to discover that you have more control over your life, relationships, and destiny than you ever imagined possible.
Therapy tailored to the needs of gifted, talented, and creative adults is effective for relieving emotional distress and for learning how to put your talents and abilities to work for you.
Effective therapy can help gifted adults and children understand and appreciate their differences and become more comfortable with their place in the world.
A therapist who understands gifted adults and their development can help you discover how to live more comfortably with your overexcitabilities, talents, multiple interests, high standards, creative nature and inquiring mind.
Have You Been Disappointed With Previous Therapy Experiences?
Finding a therapist who you feel comfortable with isn't always easy for gifted and creative adults.
Therapists who are knowledgeable about giftedness and gifted adults are hard to find.
Most therapists receive no information or training about what is normal and healthy for gifted individuals--adults, children, couples, parents, grandparents, families.
Follow-up studies of Terman's investigations and our clinical work confirm that meaningful, intimate, interpersonal relationships are essential to the sense of life satisfaction of the exceptionally gifted. Kline & Meckstroth
For Books For & About Gifted Adults for Gifted Adults & Helping Professionals, Click Here.
Find the Path to Personal Fulfillment
With psychotherapy for gifted people, gifted, talented and creative adults can have a happier, more fulfilling life, better relationships and a more satisfying work experience.
Some social and emotional issues common among people who are gifted, talented, and creative are:
feelings of difference
loneliness and social isolation
impatience & intolerance of other people's limitations
lack of trust in or support from authority figures
existential depression
underemployment or underachievement
overstimulation, understimulation, and burnout
A therapist who understands gifted adults and their development can help you discover how to live more comfortably with your overexcitabilities, talents, multiple interests, high standards, creative nature and inquiring mind.
Therapy with a supportive and knowledgeable therapist who understands how high intelligence, creativity and multiple talents and interests affect and add complexity to a person's life circumstances and experience can be very helpful.
Psychotherapy for gifted adults is an important
specialty and very rare--Google it and see for yourself.
If you can't find a gifted adult therapist in your area, try gifted adult coaching by phone. For coaching the same caveats apply.
Gifted adults who live out of state or country or just too far away to travel to my office contact me for gifted adult coaching via phone or skype find this a helpful and worthwhile experience. Individual and group sessions are available.
Give therapy a chance. E-mail or call Lynne at 310-828-7121 to talk with her about gifted adult counseling or psychotherapy.
Gifted adults have normal feelings of anxiety, inadequacies and personal needs. They struggle to have these needs met and taken care of just like all human beings do.
Annemarie Roeper
If you are anxious, depressed, stuck, dealing with relationship issues or have challenges at work, gifted adult psychotherapy services can help provide solutions for
relationship problems
A good gifted adult therapist can help you break that negative cycle.
Find yourself a good therapist--one who understands gifted adults and can relate to you as a gifted person.
If development is perceived as a life-long process, giftedness can then be understood as producing atypical development throughout the lifespan in terms of awareness, perceptions, emotional responses, and life experiences.
Martha J. Morelock
Find relief by learning how feelings and situations that have caused you worry, unhappiness, and guilt in the past are solvable and can be explained in terms of giftedness.
Give Lynne a call today and have a conversation with her to see how counseling can help--or email her.
Whether you are struggling with your own issues, those of your spouse or are living with difficult parents or family members, working with a skilled therapist who knows how to work with gifted and creative adults can help you manage your emotions and deal with difficult people and situations more effectively.
An inability to notice our true feelings leaves us at their mercy. People with greater certainty about their feelings are better pilots of their lives, having a surer sense...about personal decisions from whom to marry to what job to take.
Daniel Goleman
The best therapy is collaborative, cognitively informed, emotionally focused and action-oriented--that's the combination that helps gifted adults get the skills they need for a successful life and healthy, nurturing, reciprocal relationships.
Find out how you can create and maintain a life that makes the most of your talents, interests and abilities and that satisfies your creative, intellectual, social and emotional needs.
Leave your past behind and start enjoying your life.
Walk into a new future free from old issues and past problems.
Isolation is the refuge of genius, not its goal.
Leta Hollingworth
Therapy comes in individual, couple or family sessions as well as in group formats.
Whether you, or your loved ones, need long or short term work, an emotional tune-up, recovery from divorce, a break up, traumatic event or loss of a loved one, psychotherapy can provide you with new skills and increased self-understanding.
Gifted adults especially benefit from increased understanding regarding gifted development, challenges and dynamics.
How we handle our daily stimulus overload is a true indicator of how smart we really are. Mary-Elaine Jacobsen
Whether you need a major life overhaul or just a place to talk and sort things out with a top notch therapist, gifted adult counseling and psychotherapy can work for you.
To set up an appointment. arrange a free phone consultation, or get your questions about gifted adult psychotherapy, e-mail or call Lynne today at (310) 828-7121 to set up a no cost phone consultation. Be sure to include your phone number in your email.
Get your life going where you want it to go.
Explore the information, books and links on this site to educate and inform yourself so you can make the best choices for yourself and your loved ones.
Giftedness is asynchronous development in which advanced cognitive abilities and heightened intensity combine to create inner experiences and awareness that are qualitatively different from the norm.
The Columbus Group
Today people need support to grow and change. Don't let yourself, your relationship or your family suffer any longer without support.
Let Lynne Azpeitia, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist help you get what you need for your long term health, happiness and satisfaction. Counseling with Lynne helps you to reawaken to what you already know at a deeper level--and to put that into action in your daily living.
Contact Lynne today to schedule an appointment or to arrange a free phone conversation to discuss how gifted adult counseling and psychotherapy can address your concerns and benefit you or your family members.
Pick up the phone and invest in yourself today.
Give Lynne a call and have a conversation with her to see how counseling can help.
Lynne Azpeitia, MFT
3025 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultation
Contact Lynne About Counseling for Gifted Adults
Coaching, Counseling & Consulting Services Also Available by Phone & Skype
Interested in reading more? Click here for books for Gifted Adults
Lynne Azpeitia,
Licensed MFT
The Gifted Adult Therapist
To schedule an appointment
or arrange a free phone consultation,
email or call Lynne at 310-828-7121
“The uniqueness of the gifted renders them particularly vulnerable and requires modifications in parenting, teaching and counseling in order for them to develop optimally. ”
“Currently, it is not uncommon for psychologists and other health care professionals who aren’t knowledgeable about giftedness to fail to recognize that the unusual intensity, sensitivity, advanced mental abilities and other characteristics of bright children, when coupled with educational mismatches and peer relation problems, can easily be mistaken for a psychological disorder.”
Developing Personal Talent in Your Child
Sidney Moon
Have you ever wondered why some children easily manage a complex life including friends, schoolwork, and sports, while others drift through their school years confused and scattered? Or why two students can enter a math class with equivalent ability and end the semester with grades on opposite ends of the spectrum?
Two key skills for personal talent are decisionmaking and self-regulation.Personal talent, defined as an “exceptional ability to select and attain difficult goals that fit one’s interests, abilities, values, and contexts,”....More
Gifted Children and Adults—Neglected Areas of Practice
James T. Webb
Parents of gifted children and gifted adults are looking for counseling and mental health professionals to whom they can turn for information, advice, support, diagnostic clarifications, and treatment. At present, it is difficult for them to find knowledgeable and helpful professionals. Gifted individuals and their families often need counseling and guidance in three areas—academic planning and career opportunities; personal and social concerns with their families, peers, or teachers; and special outside-of-school enrichment experiences. Although there is seldom third-party reimbursement for psychological services for gifted issues, per se, many families are willing to pay out of pocket. Psychologists can expand their practices to meet this need, which currently is a neglected area of practice, by learning about the characteristics of gifted individuals and the implications for diagnosis and treatment either through readings or through continuing education opportunities through nonprofit groups like SENG, which actively provide such information....More
What Makes Us Happy?
Joshua Wolf Shenk
Is there a formula—some mix of love, work, and psychological adaptation—for a good life? For 72 years, researchers at Harvard have been examining this question, following 268 men who entered college in the late 1930s through war, career, marriage and divorce, parenthood and grandparenthood, and old age. Here, for the first time, a journalist gains access to the archive of one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history. Its contents, as much literature as science, offer profound insight into the human condition.... More
Unrecognized Giftedness: The Frustrating Case of the Gifted Adult
Marylou Kelly Streznewski
Overall, I have concluded that there are large numbers of frustrated gifted adults, who can be located by anyone who knows what to look for, who do not find outlets for their potential. We are not paying enough attention to trying to teach gifted people how to cope with their lives in the adult world. Far too many of them find their drive and creativity thwarted by persons or establishments who regard them as either silly or threatening. I am well aware of the school of thinking which designates adults as gifted only if they have achieved something called eminence. I find many difficulties in accepting such thinking.....More
Managing the Blessing & Burden of Being A Gifted, Talented & Creative Adult
Lynne Azpeitia
"Sometimes when you climb a mountain, the oxygen is a little thin.”
Being a Gifted, Talented, and/or Creative adult can be a challenge. There are so many things that you want to do (and are capable of doing) that it can be overwhelming to figure out what to focus on first…
And there’s also the trouble of dealing with people who are jealous and don’t really understand you, which can lead to even more challenges in relationships or at the workplace. If this is you and you’ve been going through a season of struggle, support is on the way. There are healers who have trained their entire careers to be there for you when times get tough. Our guest today is one of them. Lynne Azpeitia joins us to talk about how to create a focused, balanced, and goal-oriented daily routine that puts Self-Appreciation at the forefront, and is created with your unique needs in mind. Join us for some love, laughs, and “ah-ha” moments as we explore how you can "Manage the Blessing and Burden of Being a Gifted, Talented, and/or Creative Adult" More…
Self-Knowledge, Self-Esteem and the Gifted Adult
Stephanie S. Tolan
Many gifted adults seem to know very little about their minds and how they differ from more "ordinary" minds. The result of this lack of self-knowledge is often low, sometimes cripplingly low self esteem.
Most have never been formally identified as gifted, and even those who have may disbelieve the identification or have difficulty incorporating it into their sense of themselves...More
“Yeah, Buts”
Chellie Campbell
This is the voice of someone who is defending their position, not looking for solutions. They are great at finding evidence for why problems can’t be solved rather than actively looking for help to change their situation.... It’s very difficult to keep trying to make positive suggestions to Yeahbutters. “Yeah, buts” build a big dam in the river of creative ideas....More
Developing Personal Talent
Sidney Moon
The individual with personal talent understands his/her strengths and weaknesses; makes good decisions; has clear, high level goals for his/her life and is successful in achieving those goals even when faced with setbacks along the way. People with personal talent also experience high levels of life satisfaction and well being. They are self-actualizing. Clearly, the development of personal talent is a worthy goal. If we are to develop it, we must first understand it. In this section of my talk, I will discuss four aspects of personal talent: personal talent knowledge and skills, personal talent studies in psychology, the incremental nature of personal talent theory, and individual differences in personal talent. More