Communication & Professional Presence
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams
See the articles below. More to come...........
Lynne Azpeitia, MFT
3025 Olympic Blvd, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Coaching, Psychotherapy & Consultation
Contact Lynne About Services for Gifted Adults
To schedule an appointment or arrange a free phone consultation, email Lynne or call her at 310-828-7121
Coaching, Counseling & Consulting Services Also Available by Phone & Skype
Interested in reading more? Click here for books for Gifted Adults
Lynne Azpeitia
The Gifted Adult Coach
“We all encounter stressful situations at work, and how we handle them affects not only our professional effectiveness, but our own well-being and sense of self-esteem. ”
Are You A Workplace Pyro?
Patricia B. Gray
Even now, she winces when she thinks of the way she used to manage her staff. The only woman partner at a small biotech research firm with a roster of blue-chip clients, she found the pressure to perform intense. Her direct reports were young, bright, ambitious, eager to please. But she never trusted them to execute on their own. Every project became a crisis, every meeting a fire drill. "I drove everyone crazy, and I didn't even realize it half the time," she says. Cruella - not her real name - is finally getting help. For six months she has been in family therapy to deal with her overbearing behavior at home and at work. "This is something I am going to work on - seriously," she says. More...
Your Significant Other Can Teach You Workplace Skills
Penelope Trunk
When I was in couples therapy with my husband, I nearly died trying to force myself to listen to his ideas when I thought mine were better. But I realized that I had poor listening skills, and by dealing with my listening skills at home, I improved my listening skills at work. We can learn how to build relationships at work by paying attention to research about how to build them at home.....More
Emotional Intelligence and The Art of Conversation
Susan Dunn
Having just returned from a cruise, where I was seated nightly with a table of 10 strangers, I was reminded of the many definitions of "emotional intelligence". When I ask laypeople what EQ means, they respond "common sense", or "manners", or "knowing how to get along". These are good definitions. And nowhere is this more evident than in the gentle art of dinner table conversation.....More
Conversational Terrorism
Dean and Laura Van Druff
All of the techniques listed in this document have actually been witnessed, told to us by someone else, or dreamed up. They are described in first person for clarity of motive. The intent of detailing and naming these insidious tactics is so that the reader may AVOID USING THEM, to quickly recognize if someone else is using them, and for fun. There is much humor in the way people (consciously or unconsciously) conversationally cheat. It is hoped that exposing these tactics will help muzzle the growing abuse in our conversational landscape…..More
'That's Not Nice'
Peggy Noonan
Our country now puts less of an emphasis on public decorum, courtliness, self-discipline, decency. America no longer says, "That's not nice." It doesn't want to make value judgments on "good" and "bad." We have come to rely on censorship to maintain decorum. We are very good at letting people know that if they say something we don't like, we'll shame them and shun them, even ruin them. But censorship doesn't make people improve themselves; it makes people...More